Rizwan Khan is an 18-year veteran of law enforcement. He began his career in law enforcement in 1986 with the Indiana University Police Department at Indianapolis as a Cadet Officer. After completion of Indiana University Police Academy in 1987, he was commissioned by the Indiana Law Enforcement Training Board as a police officer for the university. Rizwan received a B.S. in Public Affairs from Indiana University–Purdue University at Indianapolis in 1989. After finishing his degree, he was employed by the Indianapolis Police Department. After completing the Indianapolis Police Department Training Academy program, Rizwan was commissioned for the second time by the same board as a police officer for the city of Indianapolis. Rizwan held a variety of positions for the Indianapolis Police Department, including uniform patrol officer, evidence technician, detective, and warrant service officer. While working as a detective, Rizwan investigated burglaries, larcenies, aggravated assaults, shootings, traffic accidents, and hit and run cases.
Rizwan has attended numerous law enforcement training classes offered by the Indianapolis Police Department and other outside agencies, including Basic and Advanced Detective School and Evidence Technician.
Currently, Rizwan works as a detective for the North District of the Indianapolis Police Department.
Pamela Rich Hahn currently works as an independent contractor providing technical and other writing and editing services. Prior to her freelance career, Pamela worked in law enforcement for 10 years. Pam has authored or co-authored more than 10 technical and general non-fiction books, including How to Use Microsoft Access 2000 and Alpha Teach Yourself Grammar and Style in 24 Hours, and she has been a contributing writer and editor to a number of others.
Pam has published several hundred general interest and technical articles in local, national, and online publications. Pam also designs and maintains several Web sites, among them her personal site, http://www.RiceHahn.com, The Blue Rose Bouquet online magazine http://www.blueroses.com, GenealogyTips http://www.GenealogyTips.com and Cooking With Pam http://www.CookingWithPam.com.