- Certification Capsules
- About (ISC)2 Testing
- Preparing for CISSP and SCCP Exams
Registration works through (ISC)2; you may sign up online or register by phone at 888-333-4458 (North America only) or 727-738-8657. If necessary, you can write this address:
(ISC)2 Services
P.O. Box 1117
Dunedin, FL 34697 USA
For more information about exam locations, schedules, and fees, visit these sites:
- CISSP: http://www.isc2.org/cgi-bin/content.cgi?category=19
- SSCP: http://www.isc2.org/cgi-bin/content.cgi?category=20
The CISSP exam costs $450 and is available yearly at most locations. Registration less than 16 days in advance costs an extra $100. You must cancel or reschedule any such exam in writing more than 21 days in advance to get a refund, minus a $100 cancellation or rescheduling fee. Exams rescheduled less than 21 days but more than 5 days in advance result in a credit for a future exam and a $100 rescheduling fee. Cancellations must be submitted in writing more than 5 days in advance or the entire fee is forfeited and a $100 cancellation fee is assessed.
The CISSP concentration exams are $295 each. The CISSP cancellation and rescheduling deadlines and fees apply to the concentration exams as well.
The SSCP exam costs $350 and is available yearly at most locations. The same terms and conditions for cancellation and rescheduling that apply to the CISSP also apply to the SSCP exam. For information about exam locations, visit www.isc2.org/cgi/exam_schedule.cgi.
CISSPs must pay an annual $85 fee (it’s $65 for SSCPs and $35 for each CISSP concentration) to offset administrative costs of maintaining certification records and for the recertification process.