- Domain 3: Network Implementation
- What You Will Need
- Lab 1: Active Directory Structure and Permissions
- Lab 2: Services and nbtstat
- Lab 3: Wiring, Part II
- Lab 4: VPN and Authentication Re-visited
- Lab 5: Firewalls, Proxies, and Ports
- Lab 6: Anti-Virus Software
- Lab 7: Fault Tolerance
- Lab 8: Disaster Recovery
- Domain 3 Practice Questions
- Answers and Explanations
Lab 4: VPN and Authentication Re-visited
In this lab you will complete the following:
Configure advanced protocols for your remote access connection.
Learn of different ways to remotely connect to other platforms.
Use third-party remote-control software.
Prepare for the Network+ subdomain 3.4.
In Chapter 2, you configured VPN to connect a Windows 2000 Professional computer to a Windows 2000 Server. You used PPTP as your tunneling and encryption protocol. This is a fast and secure method of connecting remotely, but what if you want something more secure as far as the data and the authentication? Then you have to move into higher levels of VPN. And what if you want to connect to other platforms? Then you need other types of software to allow these secure VPNs.
Configure MS-CHAP on the client.
You should still have the VPN server running. Let's begin by configuring your client to connect to the VPN server using a more complex level of authentication (user name and password verification). This will be MS-CHAP II.
Go to PC1.
Right-click My Network Places and find your VPN adapter. If it is not there, create a new one. Refer to Chapter 2 for instructions on creating the VPN adapter.
Right-click the VPN adapter and select Properties.
Click the Security tab and select Advanced (Custom Settings).
Click the Settings button. This opens the Advanced Security Settings dialog box.
Make sure that Require encryption is selected in the Data encryption drop-down list, and that the Microsoft CHAP (MS-CHAP) and Microsoft CHAP Version 2 (MS-CHAP v2) check boxes are selected, as shown in Figure 3.27. MS-CHAPII is already accepted by the server. MS CHAP will now be your challenge authentication scheme; it will work automatically.
Configure L2TP and IPSec on the client. Connect through L2TP as opposed to PPTP. L2TP is a more secure way of connecting then PPTP when L2TP is used with IPSec.
Click OK to close the Advanced Security Settings dialog box.
In the VPN adapter Properties window, click the Networking tab.
Open the Type of VPN server that I am calling drop-down list and choose Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP), as shown in Figure 3.28.
Click the Internet Protocol entry to select it and then click the Properties button.
Click the Advanced button.
Click the Options tab.
Click the Properties button to bring you to the IP Security (IPSec) window.
Click the Use this IP Security Policy option button and from the drop-down list, select Secure Server (Require Security). This enables the system to communicate normally with other systems unless it connects via VPN to the VPN server, at which point IPSec will take effect.
Click OK in all four open dialog boxes to close them.
Install and configure a Certificate Authority on the server. Your client is set up, but if you were to try to connect to the VPN server you would get a 781 error because your client will now require an encryption certificate. The client must get that certificate from the server. Let's install and configure that now.
Go to PC2.
Click the Start button, choose Settings, and select Control Panel.
Launch Add/Remove Programs.
Select Windows Components.
Click the Certificate Services check box to select it. A pop-up window opens; click Yes.
Click Next.
When asked you what type of Certificate Authority you will be installing, choose the default option, Enterprise root CA, as shown in Figure 3.29. Then click Next.
Name the CA test, and the organization testlab. Leave the rest of the information as is, and click Next.
Leave the Data Storage option as is and click Next.
A pop-up window asks you about IIS, which needs to be stopped during the installation of the CA. Click OK. The installation of the CA will begin.
If you are asked the CD, get the necessary information from D:\i386.
Click Finish. The Certificate Authority is now installed.
You are only half finished. Now you need to set up the CA to hand out certificates automatically and turn on the IP Security policy. First, though, set up an MMC if you have not already.
Click the Start button, choose Run, and type MMC to open a new blank MMC.
Click Console and select Add/Remove Snap In (alternatively, press the Ctrl+M shortcut key). A second window opens.
Click Add. A third window called Add Standalone Snap-in appears, as shown in Figure 3.30.
To add a snap-in, select one from the list and click Add. You can add multiple snap-ins simultaneously from this window. For most of these, you will be selecting the Local Computer option. Add the following snap-ins:
Active Directory Users and Computers
Certificate Authority
Routing and Remote Access
Group Policy (click Browse, select Default Domain Policy, and click OK. Do not select the Local Computer option for this snap-in. Then click Finish.)
Click the Close button to close the Add Standalone Snap In window.
Click OK in the Add/Remove Snap-in window to return to your MMC. The MMC should look like Figure 3.31. Save the console; it will automatically be saved in your administrative tools.
Set up the server to hand out certificates automatically.
In the MMC, click the Default Domain Policy entry, select Computer Configuration, choose Windows Settings, click Security Settings, select Public Key Policies, and choose Automatic Certificate Request Settings.
Right-click the Automatic Certificate Request Settings entry, select New, and then select Automatic Certificate Request Settings.
A wizard is launched. Click Next.
When asked what type of auto certificate template you want to install, select Computer as shown in Figure 3.32. Then click Next.
In the Certification Authority screen, click Next.
Click Finish. You should see a certificate template called Computer on the right side, as shown in Figure 3.33.
Save the MMC.
Turn on the IP security policy.
Within the MMC, expand the following options in the left pane: Default Domain Policy, Computer Configuration, Windows Settings, Security Settings. Click IP Security Policies on Active Directory to select it.
This reveals three policies on the right side. None of these are yet assigned.
Right-click the Secure Server option and select Assign. This assigns the security policy, allowing clients to connect as long as they were set up for Secure Server encryption in step 2h.
Save the MMC and close it.
Install a certificate on the client.
Go to PC1.
In many cases you will have to connect through a custom-made MMC, but in this case you will retain your certificate within the browser.
Open Internet Explorer and, in the address bar, type http://pc2/certsrv. A Web page with the information you see in Figure 3.34 opens.
Make sure the "Request a certificate" option button is selected and click Next.
The next screen talks about the type of request. Leave the default setting and click Next.
In the next screen, click Submit.
Click Yes in the pop-up window that appears.
The browser should talk to the server and retrieve a certificate. Choose to install it now.
Click Yes in the pop-up window that appears, and click Yes again in the next pop-up window to add the certificate to the store. You'll be informed that the certificate has been installed.
Now you can connect from your client to the server through the VPN connection. Connect through L2TP and MS-CHAP II.
On PC1, open the Network and Dial-up Connections window.
Double-click the VPN adapter and log on with the correct user name and password. You should now be able to get in! That does it for this portion of this lab. This is usually a tough one for my students, but I am sure that you can do it! If you get a 781 error (or any other errors), make sure that you have installed the automatic certificate correctly on the server and that you have installed a certificate on the client. Also, check if you assigned the Secure Server IP policy on the server. Of course, if there are more problems, feel free to post on my site: http://www.technicalblog.com.
Connect remotely to different platforms.
To remotely connect to Linux, you can use Rlogin, Samba, SSH, FreeNX, and VNC.
To remotely connect to Novell, you can set up a Border Manager Authentication/RADIUS connection or use NOMAD (Novell Mobile Access Delivery). To remotely connect while on the LAN, you would use the Rconsole.
To remotely connect to Macintosh machines, you would need to use MACPPP connecting to a PPP server.
To connect Macs to Microsoft, you would need to modify the RRAS setup.
Install AppleTalk and/or Services for Macintosh.
Open RRAS.
Right-click the server and select Properties.
On the AppleTalk tab, configure remote access options as appropriate for the computer, and then click OK.
Use other programs and hardware to connect and control remotely. These include the following:
Four-port SOHO routers. Most of the 4 port routers like out Linksys WRT54H have the ability to connect to VPN servers. In the basic setup you can just change the Internet connection type from "Automatic Configuration- DHCP" to PPTP or L2TP. Then you can connect from the outside world. In addition, you can accept incoming remote access requests. Normally, you would open the port in question, for PPTP this would be 1723. And you would forward that port to the correct machine on your network (the VPN server) which in this case for you is PC2. An example of this is displayed in Figure 3.35. Now of course, you would have to know your router's WAN IP address, the one that was obtained automatically from the Internet. That would be what you would connect to with your Remote client (no matter where you are in the world!) Everything else remains the same as when you did the VPN lab.
Cisco. Cisco makes a hardware device known as a VPN concentrator that can handle incoming VPN requests. You actually log on to the concentrator itself or you set the device to do port forwarding. Check out one of their latest devices, the VPN 3000, at the following URL: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/hw/vpndevc/ps2284/. There are plenty of other guys out there making VPN devices; run a couple Google searches for "VPN devices" and you should get a slew more information.
Virtual Network Computing (VNC). This is free software that will allow you to connect to other systems on the LAN or over the Internet. It has built-in encryption that you can turn on or off. This system allows you to not only connect remotely but to control remotely. Check out the free download at http://www.realvnc.com/download.html. Install it on both of your machines and remotely control the other!
Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop. These are built-in remote connect/control programs in Windows XP. They can work over the Internet as well as on the LAN. We will show a little of this when you upgrade to XP in Chapter 4, "Network Support."
PC Anywhere. This third-party program is a staple in the industry. It is one of the best for remote control over the Internet and is now Web based, meaning that you use your browser to connect. Check out version 11 at http://www.symantec.com/pcanywhere/.

Figure 3.27 The Advanced Security Settings dialog box.

Figure 3.28 Modifying the tunneling settings.

Figure 3.29 The Certificate Authority screen.

Figure 3.30 The Add Standalone Snap-in window.

Figure 3.31 The finished MMC.

Figure 3.32 The Certificate Template screen.

Figure 3.33 The finished certificate template.

Figure 3.34 Connecting to the server’s CA via the Web browser.

Figure 3.35 Port Redirection
That pretty much does it for this lab. Great work! Let’s go over what you covered.
What Did I Just Learn?
In this lab you learned how to connect via VPN but with a more secure connection and with more secure authentication. You also learned of some of the other remote access and remote control programs that are available to you. Specifically you learned how to:
Use MS-CHAPII for more secure authentication of logon.
Configure L2TP to be your tunneling protocol and IPSec as your encrypting protocol.
Configure a Certificate Authority on your Windows 2000 Server.
Install a certificate to the Windows 2000 client.
Remotely access and remotely control other computers in additional ways.