This section covers the following official AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate (SOA-C02) exam domains:
Domain 2: Reliability and Business Continuity
Domain 5: Networking and Content Delivery
Now that you have seen how to create an application that is highly scalable and elastic, you need to also consider the scaling impact on the persistent layer. As mentioned in the previous section, you need to consider the scalability of the persistent layer and include it in the overall assessment of the elasticity of the application. It serves no purpose to make an application highly elastic when the database back end is rigid and introduces a bottleneck for the whole application.
This is where caching comes in as a good way to ensure the data in the application is accessible in the fastest manner possible. When delivering an application from the cloud, you can use several different caching strategies to deliver and reuse frequently used data and offload the need to request the same data over and over again.
A simple analogy to caching is your refrigerator. It takes a minute for you to walk to the fridge (the cache) and grab some milk (cache hit). However, when there is no milk (cache miss) in the fridge, you need to go to the store (the origin), grab a few cartons, and take them home to put them in the fridge. The journey to the store and back is many times longer, so it makes sense to buy items that you frequently use and put them in the fridge. The fridge does have a limited capacity, just like cache usually does, and you will typically find a much greater variety of items at the store.
Types of Caching
There are several different types of caching that you can use in your application.
Client-Side Caching
When a client requests the contents of the application from a server, you should ensure that components that are static or change infrequently are reused with client-side caching. Modern browsers have this capability built in, and you can use it by specifying cache control headers within your web server or the service that delivers the content, such as S3.
Edge Caching
When content is delivered frequently to multiple users, you can employ edge caching or what is more commonly referred to as a content delivery network. In AWS, you can use the Amazon CloudFront service to deliver frequently used content in a highly efficient manner to millions of users around the globe while at the same time offloading multiple same requests off the application or back end.
Server-Side Caching
When a feature, a module, or certain content stored within the web service is requested frequently, you typically use server-side caching to reduce the need for the server to look for the feature on disk. The first time the feature is requested and the response assembled, the server caches the response in memory so it can be delivered with much lower latency than if it were read from disk and reassembled each time. There is a limitation to the amount of memory the server has, and of course, server-side caching is traditionally limited to each instance. However, in AWS, you can use the ElastiCache service to provide a shared, network-attached, in-memory datastore that can fulfill the needs of caching any kind of content you would usually cache in memory.
Database Caching
The last layer of caching is database caching. This approach lets you cache database contents or database responses into a caching service. There are two approaches to database caching:
In-line caching: This approach utilizes a service that manages the reads and writes to and from the database.
Side-loaded caching: This approach is performed by an application that is aware of the cache and database as two distinct entities. All reads and writes to and from the cache and the database are managed within the application because both the cache and database are two distinct entities.
An example of an in-line caching solution is the DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) service. With DAX, you can simply address all reads and writes to the DAX cluster, which is connected to the DynamoDB table in the back end. DAX automatically forwards any writes to DynamoDB, and all reads deliver the data straight from the cache in case of a cache hit or forward the read request to the DynamoDB back end transparently. Any responses and items received from DynamoDB are thus cached in the response or item cache. In this case the application is not required to be aware of the cache because all in-line cache operations are identical to the operations performed against the table itself. Figure 4.7 illustrates DAX in-line caching.

FIGURE 4.7 DAX in-line caching
An example of a sideloaded caching solution is ElastiCache. First, you set up the caching cluster with ElastiCache and a database. The database can be DynamoDB, RDS, or any other database because ElastiCache is not a purpose-built solution like DAX. Second, you have to configure the application to look for any content in the cache first. If the cache contains the content, you get a cache hit, and the content is returned to the application with very low latency. If you get a cache miss because the content is not present in the cache, the application needs to look for the content in the database, read it, and also perform a write to the cache so that any subsequent reads are all cache hits.
There are two traditional approaches to implement sideloaded caching:
Lazy loading: Data is always written only to the database. When data is requested, it is read from the database and cached. Every subsequent read of the data is read from the cache until the item expires. This is a lean approach, ensuring only frequently read data is in the cache. However, every first read inherently suffers from a cache miss. You can also warm up the cache by issuing the reads you expect to be frequent. Figure 4.8 illustrates lazy loading.
FIGURE 4.8 Lazy loading
Write through: Data is always written to both the database and the cache. This avoids cache misses; however, this approach is highly intensive on the cache. Figure 4.9 illustrates write-through caching.
FIGURE 4.9 Write-through caching
Because the application controls the caching, you can implement some items to be lazy loaded but others to be written through. The approaches are in no way mutually exclusive, and you can write the application to perform caching based on the types of data being stored in the database and how frequently those items are expected to be requested.
ElastiCache is a managed service that can deploy clusters of in-memory data stores. They can be used to perform server-side and database caching.
A typical use case is database offloading with an application-managed sideloaded cache, as described in the previous section. Most applications that work with a database have a high read-to-write ratio—somewhere in the range of 80–90 percent reads to 10–20 percent writes. This means that offloading the reads from the database could save as much as 60–80 percent of the load on the database. For example, if the read-to-write ratio is 90–10 percent, each write (10 percent resources) requires a subsequent read (at least 10 percent resources), and if the rest of the reads are cached, up to 80 percent of the read load can be offloaded to the cache.
An additional benefit of caching with ElastiCache is that the two engines used, Memcached and Redis, are both in-memory datastores. In comparison with databases where response latencies are measured in milliseconds to seconds, the response times from in-memory databases are measured in microseconds to milliseconds. That can mean that any cached data can be delivered 10, 100, or potentially even 1000 times faster than it would be if the request were read from the database. Figure 4.10 contrasts latency of Redis versus S3.

FIGURE 4.10 Redis vs. S3 GET latencies
One of the engines supported by ElastiCache is Memcached, a high-performance, distributed, in-memory key-value store. The service has a simple operational principle in which one key can have one or many nested values. All the data is served out of memory; thus, there is no indexing or data organization in the platform. When using Memcached, you can design either a single instance cache or a multi-instance cache where data is distributed into partitions. These partitions can be discovered by addressing the service and requesting a partition map. There is no resilience or high availability within the cluster because there is no replication of partitions.
Memcached is a great solution for offloading frequent identical database responses. Another use for Memcached is as a shared session store for multiple web instances. However, the lack of resilience within the Memcached design means that any failure of a node requires the application to rebuild the node from persistent database data or for the sessions with the users to be re-established. The benefit of Memcached is that it is linearly read and write scalable because all you need to do is add nodes to the cluster and remap the partitions.
The other engine supported by ElastiCache is Redis, a fully-fledged in-memory database. Redis supports much more complex datasets such as tables, lists, hashes, and geospatial data. Redis also has a built-in push messaging feature that can be used for high-performance messaging between services and chat. Redis also has three operational modes that give you advanced resilience, scalability, and elasticity:
Single node: A single Redis node, not replicated, nonscalable, and nonresilient. It can be deployed only in a single availability zone; however, it does support backup and restore.
Multinode, cluster mode disabled: A primary read-write instance with up to five read replicas. The read replicas are near synchronous and offer resilience and read offloading for scalability. Multinode clusters with cluster mode disabled can also be deployed in one or more availability zones.
Multinode, cluster mode enabled: One or more shards of multinode deployments, each with one primary and up to five read replicas. By enabling cluster mode, you retain the resilience and scalability but also add elasticity because you can always reshard the cluster and horizontally add more write capacity. Cluster mode always requires the database nodes to be deployed across multiple availability zones. However, sharding means that multiple primary nodes are responsible for multiple sets of data. Just like with database sharding, this increases write performance in ideal circumstances, but it is not always guaranteed and can add additional complexity to an already-complex solution. Figure 4.11 illustrates Redis multinode cluster mode, both disabled and enabled.

FIGURE 4.11 Redis multinode, cluster mode disabled vs. enabled
The features of Redis give you much more than just a caching service. Many businesses out there use ElastiCache Redis as a fully functional in-memory database because the solution is highly resilient, scalable, elastic, and can even be backed up and restored, just like a traditional database.
Amazon CloudFront
Now that the database and server-side caching are sorted, you need to focus on edge caching. CloudFront is a global content delivery network that can offload static content from the data origin and deliver any cached content from a location that is geographically much closer to the user. This reduces the response latency and makes the application feel as if it were deployed locally, no matter which region or which physical location on the globe the origin resides in.
CloudFront also can terminate all types of HTTP and HTTPS connections at the edge, thus offloading the load to servers or services. CloudFront also works in combination with the Amazon Certificate Manager (ACM) service, which can issue free HTTPS certificates for your domain that are also automatically renewed and replaced each year.
CloudFront enables you to configure it to accept and terminate the following groups of HTTP methods:
GET and HEAD: Enables standard caching for documents and headers. Useful for static websites.
GET, HEAD, and OPTIONS: Enables you to cache OPTIONS responses from an origin server.
GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, PATCH, POST, and DELETE: Terminates all HTTP(S) sessions at the CloudFront Edge Location and can increase the performance of both the read and write requests.
One of the better features is the ability to rewrite the caching settings for both the cache held within the CloudFront CDN as well as the client-side caching headers defined within servers. This means that you can customize the time-to-live of both the edge and client-side cache. CloudFront distributions can be configured with the following options for setting TTL:
Min TTL: Required setting when all HTTP headers are forwarded from the origin server. It defines the minimum cache TTL and also determines the shortest interval for CloudFront to refresh the data from the origin.
Max TTL: Optional setting. It defines the longest possible cache TTL. It is used to override any cache-control headers defined at the origin server.
Default TTL: Optional setting. It allows you to define cache behavior for any content where no TTL is defined at the origin server.
CloudFront Security
CloudFront is also inherently secure against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks because the content is distributed to more than 200 locations around the globe. An attacker would need to have a massive, globally distributed botnet to be able to attack your application. On top of the benefit of the distributed architecture, CloudFront is also resilient to L3 and L4 DDoS attacks with the use of AWS Shield Standard service. Any CloudFront distribution can also be upgraded to Shield Advanced, a subscription-based service that provides a detailed overview of the state of any DDoS attacks as well as a dedicated 24/7 response team, which can help with custom DDoS mitigation at any OSI layer.
CloudFront also supports integration with the AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) service that can filter any attempts at web address manipulations, SQL injections, CSS attacks, and common web server vulnerabilities as well as filter traffic based on IP, geography patterns, regular expressions, and methods.
CloudFront also enables you to limit access to content by
Restricting access to your application content with signed URLs or cookies
Restricting access to content based on geolocation
Restricting access to S3 buckets using Origin Access Identity (OAI)