The answers to these questions appear in Appendix A. For more practice with exam format questions, use the Pearson Test Prep Software Online.
True or false: In most cases, it is not possible to determine the type of storage to use simply by looking at the data structure.
True or false: A video being delivered via a streaming service should be considered a static asset.
What is the maximum file size that can be sent to the S3 service in one PUT command?
Which types of security documents allow you to limit the access to the S3 bucket?
Which types of database engines are supported on RDS?
Can an RDS database be resized without service disruption?
True or false: In a DynamoDB database, both the management and data access are available through the same DynamoDB API.
True or false: A DynamoDB database always requires you to specify the RCU and WCU capacities and use AutoScaling.
Which service would you recommend to cache commonly returned responses from a database?
What is an origin access identity in CloudFront?