Designing Service Locations
This objective focuses on where you will place global catalog servers, domain controllers, DNS servers, and operation masters? You will have to consider the locations of the Administrators of the networks, number of sites, and speed between geographical locations.
Where are the operations masters going to be situated? Well, as I've hinted, where are the Administrators going to be situated? You'll need to consider performance, fault tolerance, and manageability of the operation masters when you create your network. This is pretty direct stuff.
Global catalog servers are used when users log onto the domain. As a general rule, global catalog servers and domain controllers should be placed in each site. Some large sites may require more than one for effective logons and resource access.
DNS servers will also be needed in each site so users can find resources on the network. How will you handle zone transfers to remote sites? Will all the zones be transferred to each site, or only a few? How often will zone transfers occur if they are not integrated with AD?
Study Hint: On paper, design a network that has multiple sites. Address issues such as DNS, global catalog server, and domain controller placement. This planning will help for the exam.