- Exam Details / Trouble Spots
- Preparation Hints / Recommended Study Resources
- Exam Objectives / Where to Go from Here
Exam Objectives
The following information provides general guidelines for the content likely to be included on the exam, as outlined on Cisco’s website. However, other related topics may also appear on any specific delivery of the exam.
LAN Switching Technologies
- Identify enhanced switching technologies
- Ethercnannels
- Configure and verify PVSTP operation
- describe root bridge election
- spanning tree mode
IP Routing Technologies
- Describe the boot process of Cisco IOS routers
- Router bootup process
- Configure and verify operation status of a Serial interface.
- Manage Cisco IOS Files
- Boot preferences
- Cisco IOS image(s)
- Licensing
- Differentiate methods of routing and routing protocols
- Administrative distance
- split horizon
- metric
- next hop
- Configure and verify OSPF (single area)
- neighbor adjacencies
- OSPF states
- Discuss Multi area
- Configure OSPF v2
- Configure OSPF v3
- Router ID
- LSA types
- Configure and verify EIGRP (single AS)
- Feasible Distance / Feasible Successors /Administrative distance
- Feasibility condition
- Metric composition
- Router ID
- Auto summary
- Path selection
- Load balancing
- Passive interface
IP Services
- Recognize High availability (FHRP)
- Configure and verify Syslog
- Utilize Syslog Output
- Describe SNMP v2 & v3
- Identify and correct common network problems
- Utilize netflow data
- Troubleshoot and Resolve Spanning Tree operation issues
- root switch
- priority
- mode is correct
- port states
- Troubleshoot and Resolve routing issues
- routing is enabled
- routing table is correct
- correct path selection
- Troubleshoot and Resolve OSPF problems
- neighbor adjancies
- Hello and Dead timers
- OSPF area
- Interface MTU
- Network types
- Neighbor states
- OSPF topology database
- Troubleshoot and Resolve EIGRP problems
- neighbor adjancies
- AS number
- Load balancing
- Split horizon
- Troubleshoot and Resolve interVLAN routing problems
- Connectivity
- Encapsulation
- Subnet
- Native VLAN
- Port mode trunk status
- Troubleshoot and Resolve WAN implementation issues
- Serial interfaces
- Frame relay
- Monitor NetFlow statistics
- Troubleshoot etherchannel problems
WAN Technologies
- Identify different WAN Technologies
- Metro Ethernet
- Cellular 3G / 4G
- T1 / E1
- Frame relay
- Cable
- Configure and verify a basic WAN serial connection
- Configure and verify a PPP connection between Cisco routers
- Configure and verify Frame Relay on Cisco routers
- Implement and troubleshoot PPPoE
Where to Go from Here
After passing the ICND2 200-101 exam (assuming you already passed the ICND1 exam), you now have earned your CCNA Routing and Switching certification. You also have many options. You can pick any Cisco cert path at that point, and get busy. CCENT is the prerequisite for many of the most popular cert paths, as shown in the following figure. Like many people who get their CCNA Routing and Switching certification, you can get even deeper into routing and switching, next going for the Cisco Certified Networking Professional (CCNP) certification, and then the Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE) certification. Take the time to think about your career, and the types of work you would like to do, and go for it!