- Exam Details / Trouble Spots
- Preparation Hints / Recommended Study Resources
- Exam Objectives / Where to Go from Here
Preparation Hints
The best thing that you can do to prepare for this exam is to avoid making the mistake of being overly confident. Yes, much of the exam material should be very familiar to those who have taken the Windows 7 exams, but don’t make the mistake of not studying that material. In some cases there are subtle differences between a Windows 7 feature and its Windows 8 counterpart. Don’t skip reviewing an exam objective just because you assume that you already know it.
Recommended Study Resources
Being that Windows 8 is Microsoft’s flagship desktop operating system, there are plenty of study resources available for this exam. Microsoft offers a five day training course (Course 20687A Configuring Windows 8). In addition there are a number of training guides available including: