- Exam Details / Trouble Spots
- Preparation Hints / Recommended Study Resources
- Exam Objectives / Where to Go from Here
Preparation Hints
Anyone who has ever worked with Windows 8 knows that it has a lot in common with Windows 7. Not surprisingly, a lot of the material on this exam should be very familiar to those who are proficient with Windows 7.
While it is a good idea to review all of the material covered in the exam objectives (which are outlined below), it is best to spend a minimal amount of time on the material that is leftover from Windows 7 and focus instead on some of the more challenging aspects of the exam. For example, you might spend a relatively little amount of time reviewing printer management and file recovery so that you can spend more time on topics such as cloud application strategies or Client Hyper-V.
Recommended Study Resources
Microsoft offers live classroom training for Exam 70-688 in the form of a five day training class called 20688A: Managing and Maintaining Windows 8. In addition, a number of other study resources are available including: