Trouble Spots
There are 90 to 110 questions listed for this exam, and it is possible you could be presented with the full 110 questions. You have 120 minutes to complete the exam, so ideally, you want to plan for one minute per question. Changes made back in 2009 does not allow you to mark or skip the questions and come back later to review these questions, so you have to answer every question in order with the final result being displayed after you complete the final question.
Time management is therefore a key component for your success; if you run out of time you will lose marks for the questions you have not answered. Some of the questions will require you to spend more time than others, so these may take you longer than the allocated minute. Balance these with a quick response to the simple one-word or one-sentence multiple choice questions that will also be on the test.
I think that watching the clock as you go through each question adds an extra level of stress, but on the other hand, you cannot lose track of the time. Spending too much time on a specific question can take away the opportunity to work through easier questions or questions that cover areas you are more comfortable with. Consider taking a couple of sort breaks during the exam just to take you from the screen for a moment. I find this very helpful and many times it helped to come back answer a question I had had doubts about. This works like a mind refresh for me. Standing up and stretching or a taking a deep breath will help.