Trouble Spots
The biggest thing to keep in mind about this exam is that it is not a basic skills exam, as is the case with the configuration-related exams. Instead, this exam focuses on planning for a SharePoint deployment. As such, Microsoft expects you to have already mastered all of the basic SharePoint skills before you even begin preparing for this exam.
The key to passing this exam is to study Microsoft’s best practices for implementing or migrating to SharePoint 2010. You may find that an otherwise correct answer is wrong because even though the technique may work, it violates Microsoft’s best practices.
Another bit of advice is to expect a lot of case study questions on this exam. You will typically find that there are only about a dozen multiple choice questions. All of the other questions are case studies. Case study questions are also multiple choice, but require you to determine the best answer based on detailed analysis of a business problem.
Finally, read the questions carefully. I have found that with this exam, the devil is in the details. It is easy to read part of a question and instantly think that you know the answer. However, some of the wording later in the question can cause your initial answer to be incorrect.