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Recommended Study Resources
The CIB lists almost 100 references that make up the common body of knowledge (CBK) for the exam. However, it’s not feasible or even recommended to purchase and read all of these books. Unfortunately, there isn’t a standout book available on the SSCP at this time. The biggest challenge is that the CIB covers such a broad base of knowledge, it’s difficult for a single book to cover all of the objectives adequately. Your best bet is to get more than one book. You can start with a search on Amazon for SSCP or even Security+ books. Additionally, there is an active forum on SSCP (combined with CISSP).
Last, ccure.org has some free study guides for SSCP. You’ll need to create a profile; after logging in, search on “SSCP” or follow the menu for Certifications -> ISC2 Certifications -> SSCP. They have several free SSCP study guides, but be aware that many of these are older. Some knowledge, like the OSI model, is timeless, but other topics, like cryptography, change frequently.