- Exam Details
- Trouble Spots
- Preparation Hints
- Recommended Study Resources
- Exam Objectives
- Where to Go From Here
Preparation Hints
One of the first things to do when considering the SSCP exam is to download the Candidate Information Bulletin (CIB). They provide you with a significant amount of information about the exam, including details about the domains covered by the exam. You can retrieve a candidate information bulletin for the SSCP exam here after providing some registration information.
If you’ve studied and passed the Security+ exam, you are well on your way to taking and passing this exam. SSCP includes many of the same topics, though the questions will often be asked differently. If you truly learned the material for the Security+ exam, you can probably brush up on the topics and find that you’re prepared for more than 50% of the exam. However, you will find that many of the questions on the SSCP exam require a deeper level of understanding for many of the topics.
Many people wonder about the difference between the SSCP and the CISSP. There is quite a bit of crossover between the exams. However, the CISSP exam questions are much more complex, requiring a deeper level of understanding of the topics. Additionally, the CISSP exam covers a much broader range of questions. However, if you plan on taking the CISSP exam in the future, it’s worthwhile studying some of the CISSP resources for the SSCP topics. You’ll have a solid understanding for the SSCP exam, and you’ll be a step ahead of the game when you tackle the CISSP.