Without exception, all of the IT architect certification credentials are backed up by comprehensive application and preparation guidelines and instructions, and usually involve a somewhat lengthy (3 months) to very lengthy (1 year or longer) application, testing, and vetting process. That’s because architect curricula cater to more senior IT professionals, and they usually involve substantial documentation of prior work experience, references from current and prior employers, detailed and voluminous application documents, and usually a substantial project of some kind that culminates in a lengthy written report and oral defense as well as one or more outright examinations. Many IT architect programs require candidates to attend several weeks of expensive classroom training, often to the tune of $20,000 in training fees or more. Because of the outlays involved, and the time and energy required to earn such credentials, most candidates rely on support (financial and otherwise) from their employers to earn them. This speaks of the need for a cordial, long-term, and highly supportive relationship between employer and any employee who might seek to earn such credentials.