8. Break it down.
In comparison to other exam providers, it is fair to say that Microsoft exam questions are the biggest in regards to content. The average question will take a good couple of minutes’ reading time, which in terms of sitting an exam (which will average fifty plus questions over a three hour period) can be quite hard going. The normal introduction to a question begins with the scenario, which can easily take up half of the exam question, and in some cases is just designed as a distraction mechanism away from the actual point of the question. So in order to ensure that you don’t get bogged down in the non-essentials, it is a good idea to break a question down to the relevant key facts. This is a particularly good method to adopt if you arrive at a question and you are pretty much drawing a blank or don’t have a clue what the answer is at all.
Firstly, note down the key points from the question in bullet-point form on the issued note paper. For example, note the operating systems, any software requirements, user permissions and any errors they are receiving. Secondly, eliminate any answers which you are confident are not correct. Lastly, look at the question in relation to the topic overall. You will (or should) have studied this topic inside and out prior to the exam, so the knowledge is there; you just need to go through the logical steps to troubleshoot the question and the answer should arrive. Use a quick mind map or relay your notes onto the paper if needed.
Using this method will eliminate your reading a large question over and over until it turns into a mass of words that lead to losing the thread of the question altogether. It is also worth applying a similar strategy to simulation questions. Break the question down prior to starting the simulation, then list out the tasks that you need to complete before clicking the start button. This way you are going into the simulation with a clear task list, rather than jumping in and out of the question and losing your train of thought.