- Exam Details
- Trouble Spots
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- Exam Objectives
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Trouble Spots
Trouble Spots
Many examinees find the following topics to be more difficult portions of the exam:
- CPU architecture: Topics such as the front-side bus and other busses, CPU speeds, and types of processors can be difficult to remember accurately for some examinees. Be sure to take notes on these topics and quiz yourself often to help memorize them.
- Windows troubleshooting: The exams will question an examinee on how to troubleshoot Windowsespecially the second exam. Due to the sheer volume of troubleshooting scenarios, it is recommended that the examinee install operating systems on a separate computer (or within a virtual machine), and practice breaking and fixing.
- Printer troubleshooting: There are many types of printers, and many things that can go wrong with each. An examinee should study the CompTIA 6-step troubleshooting process, and really spend a lot of time memorizing the various reasons a printer could fail (especially laser printers) and how to fix those issues.
- Security: The new 700 series exams have an increased amount of security. Examinees should spend time researching how to secure their individual computer and wireless router.
- Command-line usage: The exam can test you on over 30 different commands. Seeing as how many of these commands have different parameters (options), it would behoove the examinee to write down each command, its description, and an example, in an attempt to memorize each of them.