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As a late-stage exam preparation tool, the MCITP 70-623 Cert Flascards Online provides a concise review of all objectives on the Windows Vista exam 70-623: MCITP: Supporting and Troubleshooting Applications on a Windows Vista Client for Consumer Support Technicians. This alternative learning format presents a unique approach that compliments other self-study formats like books and practice tests. Cert flash cards online consist of a custom flash card application loaded with 300 total questions for the exam.
The questions are organized by objective and sub-objective. Allowing you to focus your study on selected topics. You can customize the set of cards you receive. You can choose to view cards in order or at random, and you can create custom sets from the entire bank of cards. Once the bank is chosen, you view questions, test yourself, and then view answers. You can even write notes on each question, and then get a printable PDF of all your notes, aligned to the relevant questions and their correct responses.
These robust features make this a truly unique learning tool:
" Provide space to enter long answers
" Provide ability to mark individual questions right or wrong
" Provide a score report
" Create custom sets based on questions marked incorrect
" Ability to view graphics as part of questions
" Ability to print flash cards
" Ability to check online for updates to question banks
These fact-filled flash cards allow you to get all-important information at a glance, helping you focus your study on areas of weakness and to enhance memory retention of essential exam concepts.
1 Install and Upgrade Windows Vista
2 Post-Installation: Customize and Configure Settings
3 Configure Windows Vista Security
4 Configure, Troubleshoot, and Repair Networking
5 Install, Configure, and Troubleshoot Devices
6 Troubleshoot and Repair Windows Vista
About the author:
Patrick Regan has been a PC technician, network administrator/engineer, design architect, and security analyst for the past 16 years. He has taught many computer and network classes at local Sacramento college and participated in and led many IT projects throughout his career. He is currently a senior network engineer at Pacific Coast Companies, where he supports 160 servers and 70 sites. He holds many certifications, including the Microsoft MCSE, MCSA and MCT; CompTIA's A+, Network+, Server+, Linux+, Security+, and CTT+; Cisco CCNA; and Novell's CNE and CWNP Certified Wireless Network Administrator (CWNA). He was named Teacher of the Year from Heald Colleges, and has a bachelor's degree in Physics from the University of Akron.
About the Technical Editor:
Pawan K. Bhardwaj is an independent technical trainer and author. Pawan is
MCSE, MCSA, Security+, Network+, i-Net+, and A+ certified. He was one of the
first 100 people in India to attain MCSE certification back in 1997. He teaches
MS Office applications, Windows Administration, networking classes, and also provides consultancy to training institutions. He started writing in 1999 and has so far authored or contributed to over 15 computer certification books including MCTS 70-620 Exam Cram Practice Questions (Que), A+, Network+, Security+ Exams in a Nutshell (O’Reilly) and co-authored MCSE 2003 Core Elective Exams in a Nutshell (O’Reilly). Pawan has also worked as Technical Editor for several certification and general computer books for major US based publishers.